Don't Judge the Bereaved Mother - Poem

Today, my heart was bleeding for a wonderful mother and father who had to attend the funeral of their son. I have never been in so much awe of parents who have been such a constant loving framework and source of entertainment for their dear boy.

We met on the ward four years ago and Jesse became friends with this little boy as they were both two years old and shared the same immense pleasure for the big daily visit off the ward to visit the 'whirly whirly' charity box! When restricted to the confines of the ward, Jesse recorded a little video to show his pal.

I remember being able to hide my emotions from Skye so as not to worry him but clearly couldn't shield Jesse from my pain and looking back at this video, I see how much he picked up on at such a young age. He is still my beacon of light and I am so very proud of, and grateful for him. I have realised that it would be whole heartedly unfair to subject him to the anguish and pain I feel inside every day when I wake up and so, take a deep breath, (some days very deep,) and smile to the world.

What I witnessed today was so inspiring; a mother who was being forced to say goodbye to her only child and although you could see in her eyes her heart was shattered, she was able to smile for the sake of the guests at the funeral and think about their needs. It is no wonder that her little boy was the kindest, most thoughtful chap I have ever had the privilege to meet.

We were asked today to keep love and hope in our hearts, it therefore only feels right to share this message as far and wide as possible in his memory.

Driving home, I also decided to share a poem I carry round in my purse every day. This is for any mum out there who has a piece of her soul elsewhere but continues with a smile for the sake of others.

<img src="" alt="Don't judge.jpg" />

Don't judge.jpg