How Can You Help Parents With Very Sick Children In Hospital?

Having not been into our local hospital ward for a while due to a silly and annoying chest infection, one of the things I noticed most recently was the new list of children's names on the board. It hit me that although I know many of the parents on the ward, there are many new children and new parents full of shock with their journey just beginning. 

When Skye was first diagnosed, so many of our friends and family said "If there is anything I can do, just ask..." Whilst this was wholeheartedly meant, no one actually knows quite what it is they CAN do and us parents certainly don't have a clue what we need. Over time, some very special friends got their heads together and started coming up with ideas how they could help and once we gave into having to accept help, we realised how incredibly useful the likes of a food rota were to our lives.

Andrew and I simply could not have coped without the love and practical support of our friends and Skye certainly benefitted, so for that alone I will be forever in debt to all of you who helped us. There are a few very special friends who went above and beyond the call of duty and still are even though I am doing my best to push everyone away.

I initially wrote this blog piece to inform friends and families of new parents with very sick children but I was persuaded into getting them printed to leave at hospital wards throughout the country so that is what I have done, I hope you like it.

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