Hand Made Origami Star

<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52f80273e4b0c80880f13246/1418150629170-MOII2QX1TE0SV29IN6DG/image-asset.png" alt="" />

It only seemed right to choose a home made star for the top of our tree this year. Skye adored arts and craft thank goodness, months on a hospital ward being asked to play action figure games would have probably been a little less fun! The nurses used to pop in to check on us during the night and often we would be found making and creating! The star Jesse and I made today, has the lullaby 'Twinkle Twinkle' printed on it but I love the newspaper idea too. To see how to make your own star this Christmas, a very clear demonstration is given by Hand-Made-Gifts. I could hear Skye in my ear today telling me I needed to get the folds accurate or it wouldn't work.
