Parental Concerns

Email to a Friend (Paediatric Consultant)

All is good apart from our 4 year old son. He has been vomiting regularly once a day for the past 4 weeks. Last 3 days this has progressed to 3 times a day. The GP has had him on antacid for reflux, (been back to GP 3 times now), but no effect. He is fine within himself, but naturally we are concerned. Growing well in terms of height over the last 3 months but not getting much nutrition over the past few weeks and is losing weight, now down from 50th to 25th percentile. Trying to feed him what he feels like eating. Mostly vomiting occurs in the morning. No anxiety issues for him, happy within himself but understandably lethargic and not really his bouncy self. 

We have been given a paediatrician consultation in about 2 weeks, which is frustrating that it is not sooner. GP has been on holiday and we have had to swap GPs. He has had blood tests, urine and faeces. but nothing showing up. We have thought about ketotic hypoglycemia, so done a couple of late evening and early morning snacks to see if it makes a difference, with no effect, and we are now becoming increasingly concerned for his welfare. 

What are your thoughts on stomach ulcers, brain tumours (headaches on occasions - today just before he vomited), hypoglycemia, allergies, diseases picked up in SA, Australia, NZ, or Hong Kong between Jan and March, excessive post -nasal drainage causing build up of phlegm in the stomach, celiac allergies (have tested but nothing showed up). So sorry to burden you with questions - two concerned parents, starting to worry!
