Mother's Day

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It would seem fitting on this Mothers’ Day, to share with you the lovely news that we are expecting our fourth child, due in June this year. We consider ourselves very lucky to be able to treasure and nurture a new life and very much hope that Skye’s vision and values will rub off on his siblings, despite not being able to be the amazing big brother he would have continued to be, had he lived.

Jesse is very excited and has been telling Flynn that he will now not only have two big brothers but also a little brother or sister to play with too. Another bitter-sweet day ahead, desperately wishing my first born was able to bounce into the bedroom with a cup of water and burnt toast with his little brothers. Thankful too that I did get a cup of water and burnt toast! Jesse is the most thoughtful chap - he not only made a card from himself but also 'helped' Flynn and Skye make one.

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I have been giving a great deal of thought lately to women so desperate to experience the wonder of becoming a mother and to be allowed the honour and experience of unconditional love towards a baby of their own.  I too would like to pay tribute today, to an amazing lady and who was also Skye’s Paediatric Oncology Consultant, Dr Sheila Lane, who is the programme director and clinical lead of Oxfordshire’sFuture Fertility Trust.

Did you know that ten young people under the age of 25 are diagnosed with cancer every day. Eight will be cured; one of these eight will become infertile as a result of their treatment and will not be able to have their own children. Being told that the treatment required to eradicate their cancer could cause infertility, can be overwhelming and I can only imagine the sadness that news like that can bring to one’s heart.

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The Future Fertility Trust, was set up by a team of doctors, researchers, and tissue bank specialists, who offer a comprehensive ovarian and testicular tissue cryopreservation service for the young. They see and advise patients from the earliest point of diagnosis for a wide range of conditions, and give advice on appropriate fertility preservation options before, during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment.

They offer hope, and THAT, is a wonderful gift. If you want to learn more about their fascinating and quite wonderful work, please follow this link:

Here's to HOPE this Mother's Day xxx
